30 minutes before exercise it is necessary to take carbohydrates complexes slow digestion to give you energy during your workout. These I can get from various natural foods. Besides this, 20 grams of protein Whey (whey) provide protein synthesis, which is absolutely necessary to create muscle growth. Here many speak of creatine , which has good results but is not absolutely necessary. If you want to use, 3 to 5 grams half an hour before will suffice, as this puts your muscles will have constant energy.
After exercise weights
At the end of your exercise, it is absolutely necessary to obtain the protein and amino acids necessary for muscle repair. Many believe that leucine is necessary to initiate protein synthesis. If you are just beginning or carry relatively little time, then a protein shake (30 to 40 grams) is sufficient as protein supplements generally of good quality and have essential amino acids like leucine. There is the view that the only thing to make is the protein, however combining this with 50 to 60 grams of fast - digesting carbohydrates (sugars), it succeeds in creating an insulin spike, which is responsible for carrying all these amino acids and nutrients to the muscles. Very important: consult with your doctor if you have diabetes as this can have serious consequences for those who suffer from this condition.