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Marquette King has identified his <a href="">Branden Oliver Womens Jersey</a> next victim, and he just so happens to be one of the most electric characters in the NFL.
After the 2017 regular-season schedules dropped on Thursday, the Oakland Raiders punter tweeted at New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. to warn him of the trolling coming his way in Week 13.
The Oakland Raiders are gearing up for<a href=""></a> the 2017 NFL Draft. Want the latest on potential targets sent straight to your inbox? – Sign up for our FREE Raiders newsletter now!
King is a ruthless troll, and his antics went viral multiple times last season. He mocked the Ray Lewis dance at M&T Bank Stadium during a win over the Baltimore Ravens in Week 4. He rode an imaginary pony in front of a roaring crowd at the Oakland Coliseum, while the Raiders were whooping the Denver Broncos in Week 9.
In a Week 13 matchup with the Buffalo Bills, King turned his trolling to the officials, picked up a flag and used it as a prop to help accentuate <a href=""></a> a celebratory dance. A week later, he got into a heated exchange with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. Both incidents resulted in King being penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct.
Beckham is known for his emotional instability, as his one-on-one battles with former Carolina Panthers and current Washington Redskins cornerback Josh Norman have highlighted his propensity for losing his cool. King may try to <a href="">Dwight Clark Youth Jersey</a> exploit that when the Raiders and Giants play each other in 2017.
King would be wise to tread lightly, though. You never know when OBJ will take one of his patented slant patterns to the house.
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