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Eat more frequent meals throughout the day rather than the 3 big meals. Eat 5-6 smaller meals spaced 2-3 hours. Eating small meals throughout the day increases the metabolism which leads to a faster weight loss.
Eat a portion of carbohydrates and protein with each meal. Include as much as green fibrous vegetable in your diet especially late in the day. If you find it difficult to prepare 5-6 meals you can substitute 3 meals with protein shakes and meal replacement powders.
Avoid eating junk foods as they are high in fats and calories. Eat clean through out the day. But if you have craving for a specific food item, take a cheat meal a week. Remember only a cheat meal and not a day of cheat meals. You have to also make the portion of the meal smaller.
Do high intensity cardio 3-5 times a week for about 20-30 minutes. When starting out do 20 minutes high intensity cardio 3 times a week. Gradually increase it to 30 minutes or even 45 minutes for 5-7 times per week. If you have no time to do cardio in the morning you can also do it evening, as studies have shown that evening cardio works well as it increases the resting metabolism and you will burn more fat and lose weight even at rest.
assembly is very flexible and convenient, saving a lot of labor. Easy maintenance, long service life. Under the floor of the vacant space used to do air conditioning ventilation is also a very good choice, to avoid the line on the ground of unsightly and messy, thus affecting the efficiency of work. 3, due to the characteristics of its vacant space clean as far as possible not to use the water to wash directly, should be used to wring the mop or towel directly
wipe. It is best not to lay the gas pipes, water pipes and so on in the laying of the floor, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with. There is a home where there is a heavy load, it is best to place in other places, do not place on the elevated floor above the weight of its load will lead to cracking of the floor. 4, clean room of the floor because it is more than 100 clean room requirements indoor air manifold for vertical flow, so the installation must use the elevated
floor with holes. Its most important role is to clean the room through the top of the filter to filter the air into the bottom of the vertical air return, so that the entire space of the air quality is guaranteed. conclusion: the above is all steel raised floor house Xiaobian introduce what material, I hope to help you. The floor more knowledge, welcome attention to the house decoration raiders.What are the characteristics of the anti - static floor of the
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These installation specifications are for Rocaille WPC Flooring .
All recommendations are based on the most recent available information. The information on this sheet provides general guidelines. All instructions and recommendations must be strictly followed for a satisfactory installation.
The floor covering should be stored and installed in climate constant or climate controlled indoor location with an average temperature of between 65° - 85°F or 18° - 29°C and a humidity range of 30 - 50%.
Moisture barrier is recommended to prevent moisture from seeping through the planks and damaging the walls (Rocaille planks themselves will not be damaged by exposure to moisture) Install Rocaille WPC Flooring only after the jobsite has been cleaned and cleared of everything that may hinder a fluent installation or may damage the p lanks.
To minimize shade variation, mix and install planks from several cartons. Note that color uniformity of the planks can only be guaranteed for deliveries of the same production lot . No complaints can , in any case , be accepted for flooring that has been cut to size or installed. All necessary subfloor patching must be done with a non - shrinking, water - resistant filler. Follow strictly the instructions from DIN 18365 and DIN 18202.
Give Rocaille WPC Flooring a minimu m 24 hours to acclimate in the room where the installation will take place. Do not open the package but spread them out and protect package corners from damage . As a rule: install all planks parallel to the main source of light in the room. Only in small and long and small rooms Rocaille WPC Flooring must be installed in longitudinal direction . SUB FLOOR INFORMATION C orrect preparation of the subfloor is a major part of a successful installation.
Roughness or unevenness of the subfloor may telegraph through the new floor covering, resulting in an unsightly surface and excessive wear on high spots . ALL SUB FLOORS MUST BE: ● CLEAN - Scraped or sanded, swept, free of wax, grease, paint, oil, previous or existing glues or adhesives, and other debris
● SMOOTH/FLAT - Within 3/16” on 10 ’ radius . Sand high areas or joints, fill low areas (no more than 1/8”) with a cement type filler no less than 3000 p.s.i. Any irregularities may cause hollow spots between the flooring and sub floor in any installation method and are not warranted.
● STRUC TURALLY SOUND - Nail or screw any loose areas that squeak. Replace any delaminated or damaged sub flooring or underlayment. WOOD SUBFLOORS: Do not install Rocaille WPC Flooring over wood subfloors which lay directly on concrete or over sleeper c onstruction . All wood and wood composition panels are suitable for the use under Rocaille WPC F looring providing that they are smooth, flat, structurally sound and free of deflection. The panels include plywood, particle board, oriented strand board (OSB ), flake board and wafer board. If the surface of the wood subfloor is not smooth, a ¼” or 6mm underlayment panel must be installed over the subfloor.
CONCRETE SUBFLOORS: The concrete subfloor must be dry, smooth and free from dust, solvent, paint, wax, grease, oil, and any other extraneous materials. The surface must be hard and dense, and free from powder or flaking. New concrete slabs must be thoroughly dry (at least si x weeks) and completely cured. The final responsibility for determining if the concrete is dry enough for installation of the flooring lies with the floor covering installer. Although Rocaille WPC Flooring is not susceptible to damage from moisture, excess ive subfloor moisture is an ideal breeding ground for mo ldiness, mildew and fungus. The limited warranty does not cover discoloration from mo ld or mildew or from any kind of water damage caused by flooding, leaking or similar conditions. If needed, ask for Rocaille WPC F looring warranty conditions at your dealer. Holes, grooves, expansion joints and other depressions must be filled with a latex underlayment, and trowelled smooth and feathered even with the surrounding surface. Concrete floors with a radiant heating system are allowed, provided that the temperature of the floor does never exceed 89°F or 32°C. Before installing the flooring, the heating system must be turned on to eliminate residual moisture. EXISTING FLOOR COV ERINGS:
Rocaille WPC F looring can be installed over most existing hard – surface floor coverings, provided that the existing floor surface is smooth or can be made smooth.
Ceramic tiles should be made smooth by applying a cementitious overlay such as patching or levelling compound. When the removal of the existing resilient floor covering is not an option then it must be covered w ith a leveller or equivalent in order to adjust it. Existing sheet vinyl floors should not be heavily cushioned and must consist of only one layer.
Waterproof Outdoor WPC Deck Flooring Wood Plastic Composite
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