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Playing the game, the penguin in the scene to occupy an overwhelming advantage, shooting positive to 46:30 lead, high threat to score opportunities is to 15: 4 ripple opponents, the team in the defense there is no problem, The only reason for their defeat is the Senate goalkeeper Anderson Super God play, the game they just do their own, win should be reasonable.
On the front side, the penguin team played the second half of the game re-combination of Crosby - Gansell - Rast played a team, their performance is very stable, the offensive dominance of the first team at the same time, manufacturing Four times the high threat of scoring opportunities, only to the opponent once; two groups of Margin - Wilson - Kassel is even more brave, creating five high threat scoring opportunities, did not give opponents any chance, Malkin also through Personal ability to score the team's only goal; Bernino served as the center of the three groups continue to be the soft underbelly of the team, not only in the offensive dominance performance in general, and high threat of scoring opportunities in manufacturing, in this scene one-sided In the game, they only compete with the opponent 3-3 level; the team's four groups of play is also worrying, Cullen - Archibal - Hagran played time are less than 9 minutes, if the game they continue to maintain this Of the playing time, the team will cause a lot of pressure on the first two groups. In addition, in the third quarter early scored a ball, the penguin whole section only created two high threat scoring opportunities, showing physical and mentality changes on the team's impact is very large.
He was the face of Bell Helicopter in Amarillo, a sharp dresser who was as good at raising funds for charity as he was shuttling <a href="http://www.officialnflfalconsshop.com/shop-by-players-tyson-jackson-jersey-c-9_113.html">http://www.officialnflfalconsshop.com/shop-by-players-tyson-jackson-jersey-c-9_113.html</a>
refugees to and from classes to learn English.
And, in the end, K. Roger Williams — a thinker and philosopher who spent much of his life in the service of others — wanted to live as long as he could, undergoing a double-lung transplant in the last year of his life.
Williams died Friday in Dallas. He was 65.
Williams is survived by his wife, Potter County Judge Ana Estevez; five children, Stewart, Marissa, Marshall, Nikki and Alexis; three brothers; three sisters and four grandchildren.
Williams, who was born in Kansas City, Mo., came to Amarillo after receiving bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Brigham Young University.
He was one of the original employees of the Bell Helicopter plant, plans for which began in 1968. Williams served with Bell as a site leader, director of administration, executive director and head of human resources — among other jobs — until his retirement in 2012.
He became the face of the company in Amarillo during his 40-plus year with the company.
As much as Williams was known for his business acumen and role with Bell Helicopter, he was equally known around Amarillo for his <a href="http://www.officialpanthersstore.com/shop-by-players-tre-boston-jersey-c-9_91.html">http://www.officialpanthersstore.com/shop-by-players-tre-boston-jersey-c-9_91.html</a> charity works, most notably with United Way of Amarillo &Canyon and his role at First Baptist Church in Amarillo, where he was a member until his death.
“He was a very bright mind,” said Howard Batson, a longtime friend of Williams and pastor at First Baptist Church. “He was a seeker of truth, kind of like a philosopher. You had to be on your toes around him because he was a thinker. He fully embraced grace and accepted the sins in his life, and he wanted others to be aware that that grace was available.”
Following Williams’ retirement from Bell, he became deeply involved with the city’s refugee population, even driving vans for First Baptist Church to provide rides for residents to the church’s English as a Second Language classes.
Following the birth of his final child, Alexis, Williams was often seen in the nursery of the church on Sunday’s helping care for children during services.
“He had a real passion for the refugee community here in Amarillo,” Batson said. “We have ESL programs, and he drove around a van for us picking them up to make sure he could bring them here. After the birth of his last child, he was often holding babies in our nursery, and you don’t often think about a CEO holding babies, so it was kind of interesting to see him doing that.”
Batson said he spoke with Williams in Dallas the night before his death, with the two reading scripture and praying together.
Batson, who will officiate Williams’ funeral Friday at First Baptist, said he will most remember Williams as a fighter — particularly the strength he showed following his transplant.
“He wanted to be here as long as he could,” Batson said. “Some thought he was kind of guarded, but once you got past that, he had a teddy bear’s heart.”
Williams was also deeply <a href="http://www.officialpatriotsonline.com/shop-by-players-clay-harbor-jersey-c-2_48.html">Clay Harbor Jersey</a> involved with the United Way, serving on the executive board from 2001 to 2013.
He was on the Governing Executive Board from April 2001 to March 2013, on the Inner Circle Foundation Committee from April 2002 to March 2003, served on the Campaign Cabinet in 2004, 2006 and 2008, and was a Leadership Giver, donating more than $1,000 each year from 1999 to 2012.
His most notable achievement with United Way came in 2008, when he served as the co-chair for the United Way Campaign, helping raise $5,205,643 in that year.
“He put all his heart into everything he did with volunteerism,” said Charla Hakimi, Director of Administration and Training for United Way, who worked with Williams during his time with the organization. “He attended every meeting, was active in the community to support us, and was constantly talking about us in public to help raise money. He carried himself very well, he was always at the forefront of things, but be could also make you laugh. He was always there to help his fellow man or woman.”
Williams will also be remembered as a sharp dresser, almost always sporting cufflinks and a pocket square, Batson said. In addition to church and charity, his other great passion in life was the Amarillo Symphony.
“He was very involved in the community, in almost every type of civic activity,” Batson said.
Williams will be honored at 10 a.m. Friday in First Baptist Church of Amarillo, with arrangements being provided by Schooler Funeral Home.
The family recommends memorials be <a href="http://www.ravensshopsofficial.com/shop-by-players-shareece-wright-jersey-c-2_10.html">Shareece Wright Authentic Jersey</a> made to FBC Refugee Mission, c/o First Baptist Church, 1208 S. Tyler St., Amarillo TX 79109; Spina Bifida Association, 1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22209; Maverick Boys and Girls Clubs of Amarillo, 1923 S. Lincoln St., Amarillo, TX 79109; or Amarillo Downtown Women’s Center, 409 S. Monroe, Amarillo, TX, 79101.
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