An Austrian firm is recycling road materials using mobile machines supplied by Rockster Recycler. The R900 and RSS49 units are being used by Austrian specialist Neuberger to recycle materials from an array of construction and demolition sources. The products are then used in an array of applications including road base materials,road crack repair lille earthworks and slope construction.The family-owned firm runs a large gravel pit in Ehrwald and uses its Rockster RSS49 scalping screen RSS49 for recycling construction waste and RAP.
The firm previously rented crushing plants from Haberl Construction machinery, but recently decided to buy its own R900 Impact Crusher. This allows the firm to broaden its operations and recycle demolition waste, concrete,crack repair roads slot machine buying online asphalt, as well as natural stone such as limestone. The new unit is powered by a Volvo diesel and the firm has noted this is more fuel efficient than its original machine, with a fuel saving of around 15%.The equipment is generally used for recycling demolition waste and concrete to a size range of 0-63 mm, which allows it to be used for material base in road construction. In addition the firm also uses the equipment for recycling RAP and natural stone processing.
In a recent project,hand style Double Wheel Roller for sale the equipment was used for formed part of the reconstruction of the Lermoos Tunnel. The wearing course and binder course of the 10m wide road were milled off along a 3.2km stretch leading to the tunnel portal and this area was then resurfaced. Neuberger used the Rockster equipment to recycle the old asphalt at a rate of around 100tonnes/hour and crushed it to valuable grain size range of 0-16mm in A + quality for road construction. The high quality of the recycled material from the crushing and screening process has allowed it to be reused in the mix for binder and wearing course production.
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