The style of communique can appeal to repetition, the technique that can be used to determine those who read the text to retain certain elements. Usually, it's about repetition of the name of the organization, a personality, a product, an idea. These words may appear in the title, lead, and once or several times in the release. says that this technique is useful because it allows the reader (and the journalist) to be familiarized with the specific elements of organization.
The text may include quotes from the assertions of one of the organization's personalities; the quote gives more weight to the text, dramatizes it, "personalizes" and "amplifies" the force of the information. Opinions, ideas, affirmations can be quoted and expressed by a prominent member of the organization, either on a public occasion or on request of the representatives of the press office. Using the quotes (which always mark the quote), we will be able to present the organization's point of view on a problem, without abstaining from the requirements of factuality and neutrality. The editor of the press material will synthesize these statements to get a simple quote (one, two sentences) that can be inserted in a natural way in the text of the communiqué.