not good: stay small, if the door is sinking or floor played drums, friction will cause the door and the floor. Second, the first floor is installed after the door can avoid the installation difficulties between the floor and the door often first door installed floor special angle and size, but also to avoid the floor installation and individual joints must remove floor lock inconvenience. Third, the first floor is installed after the
door frame can guarantee the pressure on the floor, it will form the elastic contact glass in a gap between the door frame and floor glue, both to ensure the water does not make the door from the fracture into the frame deformation, and avoid the combination between the floor and the door with the door after the floor is difficult to when. Of course, the first floor after the installation of the door will have the
following problems: 1 more heavy, it may touch the floor, and workers may have to walk around the floor. 2 install the door with a certain amount of wood ash and glue, the floor will be dirty. 3 did not install the door, floor skirting not closing. However, these are not a big problem, the solution is as follows: 1 before the door with cardboard boxes and other materials next to the door to cover the floor to protect
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