David Ortiz Angling For Multiyear Deal - RealGM Wiretap

David Ortiz wants to retire as a member of the Boston Red Sox nike roshe two leather vachetta , but said he may move on if the club doesn't offer him another long-term contract.

Asked how much longer he expected to play, Ortiz said, "It can be two years, it can be three years, it can be 10 years. You never know."

The 38-year-old has a year left on the two-year extension he signed last winter with Boston.

Cueto Believes Blue Jays Were Stealing Signs Volquez Dismisses Talk - RealGM Wiretap

Johnny Cueto mentioned to teammate Edison Volquez following his Game 3 start that he believed the Toronto Blue Jays were stealing signs at the Rogers Centre.

Cueto allowed eight runs in two-plus innings for the Kansas City Royals.

"Johnny said that last night, but that's your [own] fault nike roshe two flyknit womens sale ," Volquez said. "You've got to hide the ball and have better communication with the catcher giving you signs when you're pitching. So [there's] nothing wrong with [stealing signs]. We just have to hide the ball and give multiple signs to hide it from them."

There have been rumors for years that the Blue Jays steal signs from the catcher, even suspicions of a mysterious man in the center-field stands relaying information to the hitters.

"That's what I hear," Volquez said. "Most of the teams that come here -- we've got a lot of friends on different teams -- they always say that; they give the signs or whatever it is. But I don't go crazy with it. I just want to pitch my own game."

The Blue Jays were baseball's highest-scoring team this season, leading the Majors in runs scored both at home (450) and on the road (441).

锘? Break-even analysis is a process used to determine when a business will be able to cover all its expenses and begin to make a profit. For the startup business it is extremely important to know your startup costs, which provide you with the information you need to generate enough sales revenue to pay the ongoing expenses related to running your business. A startup business owner must understand that $5,000 of product sales will not cover $5 nike roshe run hyperfuse sale ,000 in monthly overhead expenses. The cost of selling $5,000 in retail goods could easily be $3,000 at the wholesale price, so the $5,000 in sales revenue only provides $2,000 in gross profit available for overhead costs. The break-even point is reached when revenue equals all business costs. To calculate your break-even point you will need to identify your fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are expenses that do not vary with sales volume nike roshe one breeze white , such as rent or administrative salaries. These costs have to be paid regardless of sales and are often referred to as overhead costs. Variable costs vary directly with the sales volume, such as the costs of purchasing inventory, shipping, or manufacturing a product. The formula for determining your break-even point requires no more than simple arithmetic. Will Your Business Make Money? Before you prepare a business plan, you should figure out if your business will break even. Figure out at what point you break even. How many sales until this event occurs? How can you tell if your business idea will be profitable? The honest answer is, you can't. But this uncertainty shouldn't keep you from researching the financial soundness of your idea. Preparing what's known as a break-even analysis nike roshe one flyknit mens , as well as several other financial projections, can help you determine whether or not your business will succeed. What a Break-Even Analysis Tells You Your break-even analysis shows you the amount of revenue you'll need to bring in to cover your expenses before you make a dime of profit. If you can attain and surpass your break-even point -that is, if you can easily bring in more than the amount of sales revenue you'll need to meet your expenses -- then your business stands a good chance of making money. Many experienced entrepreneurs use a break-even analysis or forecast as a primary screening tool for new business ventures. They won't even write a complete business plan unless their break-even forecast shows that their projected sales revenue far exceeds their costs of doing business. How to Prepare a Break-Even Analysis To perform a break-even analysis, you'll have to make educated guesses about your expenses and revenues. Although you don't have a crystal ball, you should do some serious research -including an analysis of your market - to determine your projected sales volume and your anticipated expenses. Your best bet is to invest in a do-it-yourself business plan product to learn how to make reasonable revenue and cost estimates. You'll need to make the following estimates and calculations when you prepare your break-even analysis: Fixed costs. Fixed costs (sometimes called "overhead") don't vary much from month to month. They include rent, insurance nike roshe run oreo for sale , utilities and other set expenses. It's also a good idea to throw a little extra, say 10%, into your break-even analysis to cover miscellaneous expenses that you can't predict. Sales revenue. This is the total dollars from sales activity that you bring into your business each month or year. To perform a valid break-even analysis, you must base your forecast on the volume of business you really expect -- not on how much you need to make a good profit. Average gross profit for each sale. Average gross profit is the money left from each sales dollar after paying the direct costs of a sale. (Direct costs are what you pay to provide your product or service.) For example, if Amy pays an average of $100 for goods to make lingerie that she sells for an average of $300, her average gross profit is $200. Average gross profit percentage. This percentage tells you how much of each dollar of sales income is gross profit. To calculate your average gross profit percentage nike roshe run floral black , divide your average gross profit figure by the average selling price. For example, if Amy makes an average gr.

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