Second, the establishment of Europe and the United States and other foreign flooring Association of communication and communication mechanisms to understand and familiar with the international market conditions, the status of foreign standards for the member units to serve. In this regard we will strengthen with some of the foreign materials on the Ye Hao,

the floor Ye Hao, the relevant supporting suppliers Ye Hao, customers Ye Hao, we will strengthen a communication with the communication mechanism. We will have two events this year, one with the Canadian Association of Broad Industries, one is the exchange with the American Society of Wood Industry, we hope that the introduction of such exchanges so that we can get more easily in terms of supply.

We can communicate more in message of wood above. Third, strengthen the government-related functional departments, quality inspection departments and news media and other aspects of collaborative work. The above work is the direction of the efforts of the Association of Flooring Professional Committee in 2007,

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Added Jun 13 '17, 04:14AM


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