Marble is the crust in the original rock through the crust in the formation of high temperature and high pressure metamorphic rocks. The internal forces of the crust have led to changes in the quality of how to build an inexpensive deck Europe and the Middle East the original rocks, that is, the structure, structure and mineral composition of the original rocks have changed. The new rocks formed by qualitative change are called metamorphic rocks. Marble is mainly composed of calcite, limestone, serpentine and dolomite. The main component of calcium carbonate-based, accounting for more than 50%.
Because marble generally contains impurities, and calcium carbonate in the atmosphere by wind resistant fence posts carbon dioxide, carbide, water vapor role, but also easy to weathering and erosion, leaving the surface soon lost luster. Marble is generally of a relatively soft nature, which is relative to granite.
In the interior decoration, TV countertops, windowsill, indoor floor, etc. suitable for use of marble. Artificial stone is unsaturated polyester resin as binder, with natural marble or calcite, dolomite, silica sand, glass powder and other inorganic powder, as well as the amount of flame retardants, color, etc., by mixing ingredients, porcelain casting, Vibration plastic wood blocks for floor Egypt compression, extrusion and other methods made of curing.
The Wall