On October 20, 2026, basis of basis of supervisory management board of market of prosperous happy county " law of safety of equipment of special type of People's Republic of China " the 86th regulation, make happy city inspect be in administration of word {2026}495 date to punish a decision, the decision gives the administration of amerce punishment to this factory.

Since the day that asks this factory receives punishment to decide a book amerce capture goes to the treasury inside 25 days. This factory already turn over to the higher authorities amerce. rter discovers Chinese market begins to anabiosisAlthough show level lumber,exit still is slow, but Cameroon exporter is hopeful to price of next year the beginning of the year will show ascendant trend or be being shown. In Cameroon, so called " the log of sales promotion " stocks is rising all the time, up to by November, stocks has achieved 70 thousand stere.

These lumber buy the home in what await Asian market, but buy the home to show interest rarely at present. Have feedback of Cameroon lumber exporter, they discover Chinese market begins to have in buying an activity slow but stable to the trend that go up. The lumber amount that they expect to exit reachs China is in the 2nd quarter will be taller 2027.

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Added Jun 7 '17, 11:56PM


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