the sun shines, as far as possible to avoid exposure, with long exposure time, so as to avoid overheating or accelerated oxidation reaction. The fan is the heater, and the heater that is placed directly on the ground kills the wooden floor. Remember to use it less or at the right distance. Therefore, in the solid wood flooring installation, we must pay attention to this point. 6, excessive humidity of the rainy season, it is best to open the air conditioner dehumidifier,

dehumidifier, to control the air humidity, so as to achieve the effect of wood floor maintenance. Of course, can also be the desiccant to now. 7, relatively dry season, it is best to increase the moisture point, the simplest way is to put a pot of water in the corner, this practice in many supermarkets, jewelry stores, that is to do, of course, there is a reason for it. Or buy a humidifier, open, the air humidity increases, so as to maintain the moisture of the air, so as not to

cause the wooden floor when breathing too dry and cracking. It is normal to keep the relative humidity between 40% and 70%. 8, conditional, you can request special wax company door-to-door service, regular solid wood flooring maintenance, but also can buy their own wooden floor maintenance liquid, their own home maintenance. Only in this way can you retain the charming luster. 9, if the home is a small baby, worthless, remember about their excrement,

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Added Jun 2 '17, 11:35PM


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