Because a large number of use of the mankind, rose wood is rarer and rarer, the price is higher and higher also, the rose timber that China imports from Africa first half of the year this year achieved 216 million U.S. dollor. Once embargo makes carry out, the consumer of each country cannot buy the rose wood guitar of abroad entrance or other wood, consequently the price of rose wood wood will rise considerably without avoidable.
Wooden estate company takes an active part in the United States please multilayer to our country solid Mu Fu joins a floor board " double instead " investigation,The organization held afterwards on November 18, 2016 " multilayer solid Mu Fu joins a floor board double instead " sunset reexamine answers the job to discuss after the meeting,
association of industry of Chinese forest products on one hand chief comes related association of importer of wood of international of special invite United States China, discuss linkage to answer jointly new committee of international trade of round of United States (ITC) multilayer to our country exit solid Mu Fu joins a floor board " double instead " sunset reexamine, both sides already undertook be communicationed in detail, reach unanimous opinion and working progress table;
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The Wall