The poor quality of the hinge is generally made of thin iron welding, almost no resilience, with a little longer time will lose flexibility, resulting in the cabinet door is not tight, and even crack. How is the plastic garden fence singapore environmental protection of the cabinet? Interpretation: scientific production process can greatly reduce the formaldehyde emission cabinet environmental protection, not only depends on the substrate, but also by the process decision.
A cabinet factory technician told reporters that environmentally friendly materials are first lightweight, to ensure the cabinet strength, stiffness and size of Patio Deck Board Price UK the shape of the conditions, as much as possible to reduce the number of cabinet parts, reduce the cross-section of parts
Improve the utilization of the cabinet volume, according to the requirements of consumers to design the storage space; Third, the composite structure can be used to give full play to the function of the material; Fourth, as far as possible with removable structure, both conducive to production and sales, but also conducive to Old furniture parts recycling. For the whole cabinet is concerned, the choice of green sheet and the processing of the process, will price for linear footage and fencing panels greatly reduce the cabinet of formaldehyde emission.
The Wall