锘? Parents look at me with confusion on their faces or call
me with anxiety in their voices. They all wonder if they are doing the right
thing. Many are on waiting lists to be have their child participate in a dual
immersion program at a local magnet school Phil
Esposito Jersey , while others fork over hundreds and hundreds of
dollars to have their toddler attend language immersion classes once a week. The
problem is that these families represent a very small percentage of our United
States population.
How many of you are able to afford hundreds of dollars
for a weekly Spanish class for your child? How long is that waiting list for the
immersion or dual immersion program at your local magnet school? Do a lot of
your neighbors and colleagues have the same opportunity as you? The answers to
these and other questions surrounding our feeble attempt to bring early language
learning into the picture of this great nation are weak, feeble and show a clear
lack of direction.
Research continues to conclude that bilingual
education can and does provide children with a strong foundation in acquiring
second language skills while increasing their proficiency in reading and math.
(Dr. Bialystok, York University, 2001) In fact, Colin Baker, in his book titled
Policy and Practice in Bilingual Education Patrice
Bergeron Jersey , speaks directly to the fact that bilingual
education can work in the school systems and will result in meaningful
instruction with successful language acquisition.
With that being said,
could we get real here? There is absolutely no way our country of the United
States of America will ever make the funds available to create the opportunity
for immersion programs to be set up at every public elementary school starting
next school year. My own daughter had physical education cut last year in her
public school classroom. This year, they have teacher-directed PE three times a
week. That sounds to me like what we used to call recess. All of us here about
budget cuts here and not enough funds there. The harsh reality is that our
country will never do what many other countries have been doing and continue to
do to provide early language learning for their citizens.
Let us pretend
for a fleeting moment that they did allot the funding (that is like dreaming for
the salaries of teachers to finally be commiserate with doctors), then what?
Where would they find enough bilingual teachers to instruct in all of these
immersion programs across the country? The answer is nowhere. Statistics show
that the United States does not have the pool of educators needed to implement
nation wide immersion programs at any level. Can anyone say outsourcing? I do
not know about you, but I am trying my best to support products, services and
ideas that keep the jobs here in the US.
The last point that needs to be
brought up in regards to this immersion vs. bilingual education debate is the
most important one in my eyes. It is a common sense approach Milan
Lucic Jersey , a very easy to understand perspective and a view
that involves the heart as well as the mind. Pretend you are a very young child
again. Go ahead. Close your eyes for a moment (then open them back up to
continue reading!). Your parents ramble on and on about objects in your home,
and you learn the words for each item as you develop from an infant into a
toddler. Your siblings also get involved in the family fun, and roll a ball at
you, instructing you to roll the ball back. Here comes natural language
Did you know that most language experts, linguists, agree that
it is just as easy to learn two words for an object as it is to learn only one
when you are in these early and formative years? That means your brother could
easily toss in his limited knowledge of a second language from his middle school
Spanish class and tell you pelota (pay-low-tah) while rolling the ball and also
saying ball. Or at the dinner table Matt
Beleskey Jersey , with you in your high chair, your family is using
the words thank you followed by gracias (grah-see-ahs) as they pass one another
food. These are all examples of introducing a new language in a bilingual
format. There exists a seamless flow back and forth between the native language
and the target language.
How much more realistic is this type of
instruction for the stay at home mom, the preschool teacher, the family child
care provider and the homeschooling parent? Tons! Even if you do not speak one
word of French, you could easily grasp command of a few simply vocabulary words
a week and introduce them to your baby. Or say you do not recall a lot of your
high school Spanish (just enough to be dangerous at a bar in Mexico!); I bet you
could easily bring a few words a day into your home and the life of your
children by using this technique. You make the commitment, and you could easily
change the course of direction in regards to the cognitive development of your
Resources are everywhere Kevan
Miller Jersey , and many of them are free. Yes, you heard me
correctly. F-R-E-E!!! Simply conduct a search on the internet by plugging in the
target language you want to introduce to your child. You will pull up thousands
of results, and your job is now to sift through them and find what will make
your child tick. Language cards, music CDs, DVDs, board books and more abound in
the world of language learning. And the best thing is many of these resources
are truly presented in a bilingual format.
So Johnny
Bucyk Jersey , while the debate between immersion vs. bilingual
education rages on, do not get caught up in the frenzy and waste valuable time
during the window of opportunity your child is experiencing when it comes to
learning a second language. Make the most of the first five years of life as Dr.
John Mike compels us to in his book Brilliant Babies Powerful Adults and give
your children the opportunity to travel successfully in this very global society
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