easy to draw the aisle and other places covered with paperboard. In October, when Mr. Jin was ready to move a new home, took the case, the front of the situation scared him a big jump: paper cover the floor and no cover the floor color is very different, exposed to the outside of the floor color is very Deep, covered the place is just bought when the light yellow.

"Plus the floor had a color difference, and now my living room floor at least three different levels of color, really become 'big face'." "I bought new furniture and decoration are and light yellow floor color "Look at the" face "floor, Mr. Jin more and more angry, he was the reason to buy this floor, is because the fancy of the clean light yellow.

Manufacturers: color is a normal phenomenon for the home of Mr. King's discoloration, the production of solid wood flooring in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, rich profit wood workers, solid wood composite floor color is a normal phenomenon. The manufacturer sales manager Mr. Yan told reporters, no matter what the wooden floor,

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Added May 26 '17, 09:35PM


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