Annulus compares total in October output two million seven hundred and fifty-six thousand five hundred stere, drop 3.7% . Sawn timber of wood of leaf of needle of coastal sawmill production 1.593 million stere, rose last year compared to the same period 10.0% ; Annulus drops than October 3.7% . Total output of sawn timber of wood of inland needle leaf amounts to nine hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred stere, rise compared to the same period 9.7% ; Annulus drops than October 2.8% .

Be worth what carry is, the stocks of sawn timber of needle leaf wood November is two million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand seven hundred stere, dropped last year compared to the same period 2.6% .

Finnish lumber fall compared to the same period amplitude is close 7 %,2016 first half of the year, finnish lumber fall rises 6.6 % compared to the same period, achieve 2 890 10 thousand M3. According to the computation of Finnish rich institute, as a result of,the growth of fall basically is of industrial lumber fall increase. Up to by June, finland is industrial lumber fall is 1 740 10 thousand M3, grow 8 % compared to the same period.

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Added May 26 '17, 02:00AM


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