Researchers armani tracksuit junior 
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created a smart T-shirt that emporio armani t shirt 2 pack 
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monitors the wearer��s respiratory armani tops womens 
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without any wires, electrodes or sensors attached to the armani polo shirt 
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to the researchers from Universit�� Laval��s emporio armani t shirt 
in Canada, the innovation armani t shirts mens 
paves the way for manufacturing clothes that could be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses or monitor people suffering from asthma, sleep apnea or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ��The T-shirt is comfortable and doesn��t inhibit the subject��s natural movements. Our tests show that the data captured by the shirt armani t shirt sale 
is reliable,�� said lead researcher Younes Messaddeq in a paper published in the journal Sensors. The smart armani leggings 
T-shirt has an antenna sewn in at chest level that��s made of a hollow optical fibre coated with a thin layer of silver on its inner surface. The fibre��s exterior surface is covered in a polymer that protects it against the environment. ea7 sweatshirt 
��The antenna does double duty, sensing and transmitting the signals created by respiratory movements. The data can be sent to the user��s smartphone or a nearby computer,�� added Messaddeq. To assess the durability of the invention, the researchers washed the T-shirt. They found that after 20 washes, the antenna withstood the water and detergent and was still in good working condition.

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Added May 25 '17, 06:53AM



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