When it comes to relationships, we should honour the pure intent and scold - in an adult fashion - the vexatious intent. Call it tough love, for that's what it is. It takes a discerning eye to discover the motives of people, and to manage relationships effectively requires melding the patience of coaching with the courage to fairly but firmly discipline those who have knowingly stepped out of line.
When we think about doing something special for our loved ones, usually the time of Valentines come to mind. Why be romantic on only that day? Why not make your love one feel special on any other normal dayMany times a couple will get back together after a separation. Don't get depressed and give up on your relationship.
Read these tips and you will have a great beginning to getting your relationship back even better. Don't drag your feet. Get back on your feet and get on with living. Let your ex boyfriendsee that you can live without him. This will be the best way to get his attention. When he sees you frequenting those places that the both of you went and you are getting along without him then he is going to start
The Wall