Up to on June 30, 2026, big dark accuse the utilization rate of plywood production facilities has been achieved 76% . This group anticipates existing produce can will use completely at be being obtained by 2027, the product line that plans new setup predicts to return can will produce per year can rise 50% .
Build product line place to need capital spending about 49.9 million, will from this second appear on the market income share money and the cash of management activity flow appropriate. The group also predicts Dasenji, balance period reachs the income and expenses of factory building of outspread plywood production invest redound period to come 2.5 years for 2.5 years respectively.
In addition, because ligneous biology pledges the manufacturing utilization rate with current grain already exceeded 90% , big dark accuse a yield that also plans to promote this business can. Meanwhile, big dark accuse a province city that still plans to wait for Hua Dong and Hua Na in Guangdong, Shanghai, Fujian to establish a branch, will enlarge a sale to cover range.
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