With median of price of raise capital by floating shares 0.75 HK dollar are calculated, big dark accuse a market prise after appearing on the market to be 540 million HK dollar. By outstanding achievement was calculated 2025, big dark accuse static city is filled with rate it is 22.9 times about.
Picture big dark accuse a such market prise small, appraise value does not calculate tall new, suffer investor to chase after all along hold in both hands. More what is more,the rather that big dark accuse nearly 3 years outstanding achievement is added sign is good, what belong to an industry to also be in growth period.
On December 7, day of head of raise capital by floating shares, big dark accuse public put on sale already exceeded buy 2.8 times. In value nevertheless investment is the field of harbor stock market of king, big dark accuse after appearing on the market if want to obtain the market to be approbated continuously, be afraid still must continue to hand over beautiful outstanding achievement report.
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