stimulative Lin Nong is added close, conduce to the essence with our country a mountainous area poverty helping deficient up definitely, in the country the society progresses and prosperity and harmonious society compose build play to wear positive effect. Chinese man-made board crop continues to maintain growth,

exit obstruction increases According to " Chinese man-made board the industry reports 2016 " data, 2015, chinese man-made board production continues to maintain growth, the whole nation produces man-made board production value nearly 287 million stere, than going up year grew 4.8% ; Countrywide man-made board product consumption makes an appointment with 271 million stere, than going up year of growth 8.1% ; Chinese man-made board product exit obstruction increases,

the whole nation exports man-made plank in all 14.27 million stere, than going up year drop 9.2% ; Entrance man-made plank continues to carry ascendant current, the whole nation imports plank of of all kinds man-made to make an appointment with 1.02 million stere in all, than going up year of growth is close 2.1% .

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Added Apr 26 '17, 03:49AM


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