Once we all had a good night's sleep, we spent our first full day mostly sightseeing. We spent it visiting monuments and historical buildings in Managua. We visited a long concrete room that was built under some old road, which was used to torture prisoners during their last revolution. We also drove up the side of a volcano and peered down into the pit where the natives once gave human sacrifices as appeasement to the gods. I tried to visualize what it would be like to be thrown down into the pit, only to be consumed by molten lava. Then I saw a sign warning us about the toxic sulfur fumes and decided to take a few steps away from the edge before I too became an appeasement to the gods. We even visited some of the slums to see how most Nicaraguan's lived. And finally, we visited a coffee plantation to watch the coffee-magic happened. By the end of the day, we had traveled a good distance Southwest of Managua and eventually found ourselves at our hotel, where we would stay for the duration of the trip.
Where you stay can vary from trip to trip. It really can. You never know what you're going to get. Typically, the local Habitat team is going to get the best hotel they can find with the limited funds they have to work with, of course taking into consideration the part of the world they're in, because sometimes the best you're going to find is a dilapidated building you wouldn't normally step foot in, much less sleep in. But this time in Nicaragua we really lucked out. We lucked out because they found us a hotel right on the beach. The hotel was nice too. I mean, it wasn't the Ritz, since you couldn't drink the water or flush your toilette paper down the toilette, but it was a hell of a lot nicer than I expected, and certainly better than the communal toilette-hole in the ground I had become accustomed to in Nepal and the freezing cold mountainside glacier showers. What made this place so amazing were the views, and most nights we were home in time to watch the sun set over the water, which were just spectacular.
The Wall