After waiting for a long time, the Old School team finally decided to release Old School Max Cape. Old School now has over 139 maxed players, a number which grows every day, so it is high time to have max cape in RS 07. Are you ready to welcome the coming of this new item in game? Before the release of max cape, you should take time to gather enough Runescape 2007 gold to ensure you can get one.

Get Runescape 2007 Gold Ready For Max Cape

Max cape requires level 99 in all skills
It is not that easy to obtain a Old School max cape. The max cape will be available to players with level 99 in all skills. Alternatively, it will cost 2,277,000 coins to buy one. They are planning to release the max cape in game for next Thursday. So, for those who are nearing on maxing, now is the time to work hard to finish last few levels! If you need Runescape 2007 gold to help you during this process, just feel free to buy cheap RS 07 gold on 4rsgold.

Max cape should be a BiS gear
RS07 max cape can be a great showoff cape, but more players want it to be a BiS gear. You see, it will be more worthwhile to have a best in slot cape after one has dedicated huge amounts of time to the game. In addition, making it a BiS gear will make the game more competitive at the same time. Players who have Max cape deserve every benefit of it since they spent either long time or great amount of money on the game.

RS07 max cape is going to be released soon, if you don’t want to spend thousands of hours to achieve  level 99 in all skills, you can consider buying a max cape instead. The good news is that 4rsgold always offers plenty of cheap rs gold. Up to 8% Gold Bonus Event available on 4rsgold right now. You can get some extra RS 07gold bonus as long as you buy OSRS gold over 10 M.

The Wall

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Added Feb 17 '17, 06:57AM



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