Static mass and static line pressure

    As with other small rollers, the main factors that affect the compaction effect are the static mass and the static line pressure of the vibratory roller itself. In the case of other parameters unchanged, the static and dynamic pressure applied to the layer of the material to be pressed are proportional to the static mass. Experiments show that the depth of the compaction of the vibratory roller is roughly proportional to the mass of the vibratory wheel. Usually doubling the static line pressure, the depth of the impact can also be doubled.Road Repair Machines

    Frequency and amplitude

    The vibration frequency and amplitude of the vibratory roller have a great influence on the compaction effect. According to the experiment, the cohesive force is not big, and the relationship between the compaction effect of the soil and the vibration frequency and the amplitude of the particles can be observed.

    The width and diameter of the vibrating wheel

    Similar to the static acting roller, the roller width and diameter of the vibratory roller have a significant effect on its effect. Amplitude and vibration of the same m with two rollers, the width of the wheel with a small impact force significantly greater than the width of the wheel.

    The bearing width of the rolled material under the roller increases as the roller width increases. Therefore, the amplitude and vibration of the same two vibrating wheel, large diameter roller force impact depth is smaller than the small diameter roller.

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Added Feb 14 '17, 05:58PM


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