Reasons for choke coils inductance saturation:

Electrons in the outer layer of the outer circle around the number of orbital rotation, each layer of electronic rotation will be in accordance with Leng's law to produce a weak magnetic field, each layer of magnetic force, the direction is different, but the resultant force is zero, no magnetic. When a coil through the current, the same law according to Leng a law of magnetic field, magnetic lines through the magnetic material (core), the magnetic material within the atomic rotation of the electrons began to turn to offset the coil generated magnetic lines, the greater the coil current, the more The direction of rotation of the magnetic material electrons changes, and finally all the magnetic material electrons are rotating in the same direction, that is, magnetic saturation.

The size of the inductance and the theoretical analysis of saturation by common mode choke manufacturers : The inductance of the hollow coil structure can be considered not saturated, with the inductance of the core circuit there is saturation problem. The inductance L becomes smaller as the magnetic circuit becomes saturated. The theoretical basis is as follows: Assuming the inductance winding equivalent turns N turns, the equivalent magnetic path length is len, the input current is I, the equivalent cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit is S, μ is the magnetic permeability, Φ is the magnetic flux. By: Φ = B * S, B = μ * H, H * len = N * I and according to the definition of the inductor, available: L = N * Φ / I (see Sina / my collection / Electromagnetics / Inductance of the transient analysis) = N * (B * S) / I = N * (μ * H * S) / I = N * (μ * H * len * S) / (I * len) = N * Μ * N * I * S) / (I * len) = N ^ 2 * μ * S / len. When the current into the inductor is large, μ = B / H, H is large, B has reached the maximum value no longer changes, then μ tends to zero, so the corresponding inductance L also tend to zero.

Μ = magnetic permeability of material (Henrys / meter)

Magnetic permeability, also known as magnetic permeability, is a measure of the magnetic properties of a coefficient, expressed in the letter μ, the unit is Heng / m. Μ is equal to the ratio of the magnetic flux density B to the magnetic field strength H in the magnetic medium, that is, the relative permeability μr of the magnetic medium, which is defined as the ratio of the permeability μ to the vacuum permeability μ0, that is, μ = B / H.

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Added Feb 13 '17, 10:18PM



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