If you pay any absorption at all to bourgeois Twitter, you apperceive its brimming abounding of assembly theories about how the Democrats are attempting to abduct the acclamation from their clutches.So its in actuality no admiration that a brace Cheep personalities jokingly boasting about assiduity aborigine artifice bedeviled on right-wingers affliction fears and beatific them into a absolute tizzy.After Cheep user randygdub, whose bio describes him as the air-conditioned and arctic guy of online, tweeted about ripping up absentee ballots for trump on Sunday afternoon, conservatives absent their minds.i adulation alive at the cavalcade appointment in Columbus, Ohio and ripping up absentee ballots that vote for trump raandy (randygdub) October 16, 2016The cheep got best up as a austere acceptance of answerability by the bourgeois blogger abaft Gateway Pundit, who told the Circadian Beast afterwards the antic was broadly realized, I acquisition it apropos that far larboard buffoons anticipate aborigine artifice is a joke. 

Afresh the massive hotlink accumulation website Drudge Abode affiliated to Pundits in actuality incorrect report, which beatific the meme off and active aloft the bourgeois internet. Afore it was all over, ashamed allocution radio host Rush Limbaugh and 1980s ball brilliant Scott Baio aswell in actuality fell for the line.Hilarious audio of Rush Limbaugh falling for the randygdub antic best up by geniuses gatewaypundit & DRUDGE.http://fifafifa.is-programmer.com/posts/208537.html

The Wall

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Added Feb 10 '17, 06:54PM


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