Earth driveway preparation starts by taking levels across and along the road. If a road grading machine is not available, this is done by hand. The road is first leveled and the hump at the center removed and flattened. After the road is leveled, wetting and compaction is done to achieve a firm base. The rolling is done three times wet and four times on dry surface. After the base is firm, hardcore is laid by hand packing it before it is compacted.Road Repair Machines

Earth road driveways should have hardcore or strong bases of hardcore to reduce the pot holes. If hardcore is not available, it is replaced by murram or quarry dust. The road should have a cumber running across to drain off water. It is also important to excavate drainage channels on both sides of the road. The murram or quarry dust is laid and leveled. It is then wetted and compacted and made to slope to drain water into the channels excavated.

Andrew Karundu Is A Building Economist Providing Home Based Solutions To Fixing, Repairing, Remodeling, Redesigning Your Homes Using Simple Tried And Tested Methods To Improve Your Lifestyles. This Site Should Provide Adequate Information On Most HOME IMPROVEMENT SOLUTIONS.

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