There are two different ways to perform a detox diet. One way is stop eating processed food, sugar, wheat, coffee/tea, milk, alcohol and to perform a very strict diet for so many days. The Master Cleanse is a Hollywood favorite which is a drink that is made up of pure maple syrup, fresh lemons, cayenne pepper and pure water. To do this detox diet you only drink this concoction and eat nothing for two weeks. Talk about hard and using a ton of will power! While this is an option for some it is not something that the average person would be willing to do. Let's face it most of us are looking for an easy way out. 

The second detox diet is much easier and enjoyable! This way is by consuming a herbal pill and following an eating/exercise program. The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet Pill has all the same ingredients as the popular Master Cleanse and has been very effective in helping people lose weight and gain better health by following an eating/exercising plan and taking the herbal pill. Many Celebrities have now turned to the Lemonade Diet to lose weight and keep them energized. 

The Wall

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Added Feb 7 '17, 03:24AM


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