Maximum-minimum method. Here you have to
Fifacoins thoroughly research the transfer market in the FIFA 17 Ultimate Team and invest a little time. Instead of looking at the BIN price of a card, follow the bids for FUT cards. If your budget is about 700,000 coins, you change the search criteria on the market to a minimum bid of 70,000 coins. As a maximum, you choose your entire budget.
Now you will get a wealth of offers, which you will be looking for on BIN prices and buying probability. Afterwards, you will be bidding at bargain prices, as long as the BIN prices for the respective player are over. You should get out of the betting at least 10% below the Instant Buy Price (BIN). Also pay attention to the 5% EA tax!
FIFA 17 - FUT tips for 1, 000, 000 coins and more. Caution: There is a high risk of loss for this category in the FIFA 17 Ultimate Team if it makes a mistake. Also the 5 percent EA tax is right here.
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