Here's a quick briefing of all the altered types of chests in Clash Royale and what you can apprehend from anniversary of them.Free Chests Free Chests are adored to you every four hours, and it's a bit of a crapshoot in agreement of what's central of it Madden Mobile Coins.It may be aswell acceptable to apperceive that you can abundance two Chargeless Chests at a time, so you don't accept to anguish about aperture every Chargeless Chest as anon as it's available.Crown Chests You can accessible a Acme Chest already every 24 hours if you abort ten architecture during matches. 

Acme Chests are aswell the abandoned chest besides chargeless ones that accord you gems.Silver ChestsSilver Chests yield three hours to accessible from the point you alleviate them, and are the a lot of accepted chest drops from acceptable matches.They can accommodate attenuate cards and bead added rewards the college your amphitheatre level.Golden ChestsGold Chests yield eight hours to accessible but you'll be adored with attenuate cards, accepted cards, and gold.Giant ChestsGiant Chests yield a huge bulk of time to accessible (12 hours), but are absolutely account it, as they accommodate a ample bulk of attenuate cards.

The Wall

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Added Feb 1 '17, 10:24PM


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