If you really want a huge penis and really want to enlarge your penis, you need to do your homework and not fall for these ads. You need to do your research and be more skeptical. Building a huge penis takes time and a lot of effort. When you are a skinny guy and you want to achieve a muscular physic, then it PE Supersizer can certainly be achieved, but it takes time. The same is with penis enlargement as well.It really is possible to make your penis larger and it can be done with penile exercises. But just as it takes time to build a muscular body, it takes time to build a larger penis. How do penile exercises really work?Over a period of several months and even couple of years, it is possible to make massive gains. In 3-5 months of proper and consistent exercising, you can enlarge your penis by an inch. Some men have even gained 2 inches in 7-8 months. And even 3 inches or more of extra length, is not unheard of.


To understand how penile exercises work, you need to understand how the body responds to stress and stimulus. Everybody knows that if you lift weights, you slowly start to develop bigger muscles.The reason why you are able to build bigger muscles with weight training, is because you apply more stress to the muscles, than it is used to. And the body responds to that stress by getting stronger and developing bigger muscles.The same principles are true with penile exercises as well. When you start doing penis enlargement exercises, you apply specific stress on the penis that it is not used to. The penis is not used to squeezing and stretching exercises and it has to respond somehow to these exercises and it responds by making the penis bigger. When you really know what exercises you need to be doing, to best stimulate the penis to grow, the better results you get. And the more consistent and more focused you are, the better results you get.

The Wall

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Added May 27 '16, 04:35AM


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