This year, industry of double leaf timber will be changed before manufacturing mode, be in 1, 2 period on the foundation of product line, undertake 3, 4 period product line construction, by produce furniture semi-manufactured goods only so to set out of manufacturing furniture finished product.
3, 4 period the building of product line, will introduce facilities of more and excellent facilities, increase as order ceaselessly, solve labour force of tiger forest have more than needed effectively. Industry of double leaf timber serves as but the timber that annual produces processes a business, from be opposite at first of raw material primary make, to the core creation nowadays, science and technology aids force, good faith to innovate to already was become pull the cart that uses business development, enter the drive of steady growth
.One, output of product of industry of treatment of Guangdong province lumber has litre have fall, furniture of Guangdong's most important woodiness of industry of two big pillar and progress of amplitude of papermaking property production value are slow, the production value amplitude that brings about Guangdong lumber to process a business thereby is lack of power.
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