The 2 Week Diet 

If you are a diabetic, you probably know of the importance of monitoring and always keeping your sugar levels in check. After all, one of the bottom lines of diabetes management is to be able to maintain a normal blood glucose level. This is why hyperglycemia or high sugar is something that you should never tolerate. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of high blood sugar, make sure that you treat these and the condition itself immediately. Otherwise, you might find yourself fending off more serious help problems.

High blood glucose is unlike low blood sugar on numerous accounts. For one, it develops gradually and over time, unlike hypoglycemia which can happen very fast. Also, it requires much more work to lower blood sugar than boost it. Some quick solutions to the latter problem include eating hard candies, drinking fresh juice, and taking some glucose tablets. Lowering your glucose, on the other hand, often requires more revolutionary changes in your diet.

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Added Mar 9 '17, 02:56AM


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