Container coatings provide protective coating for more than 30 years of history, with strong technical strength and rich practical experience. Today's world is changing at times, the traditional Front Deck Designsolvent-based coatings because of their own problems have been gradually unable to meet the industry's environmental requirements, so the application of environmentally friendly coatings is the future development trend. Environmentally friendly coating requirements are high solids, solvent-free, water-based.

As a leader in the field of container coatings, after continuous exploration and experiment, has successfully developed water-based paint and high solid epoxy paint. Water-based coatings in the legal and regulatory requirements, the EIA pressure and the protection Foot Tongue and Groove Porch Flooring of workers and other aspects of health has a clear advantage. However, the current box factory production line structure can not meet the construction requirements of water-based paint, the production line must be modified, and the high cost of water-based paint itself to further promote the formation of constraints.

R & D of a new generation of high solid content container epoxy coating - series of paint, in a substantial reduction in VOC emissions at the same time, without the need to transform the existing production line

and did not increase the cost of Push Pin Vinyl Decking container manufacturing, can be described as environmentally friendly container paint on the road out of practical and solid High solids epoxy coatings have the characteristics of low solvent content, low VOC emissions and small odor compared to conventional solvent-based epoxy coatings. As the raw materials used in the coating is a high performance special resin, so low viscosity, good toughness, high cross-linking density, good corrosion resistance. After the tests and tests show that the series of epoxy coatings have achieved or exceeded the performance of the existing Outdoor Decking Product - Shanhai Seven Trust solvent-based coating level, and to meet the construction requirements of the container coating line.

The Wall

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Added Mar 8 '17, 07:55PM


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