For most students, making a transition to college is not easy at all. It takes a lot of mental energy and struggle, in order to get used to the diverse environment in college. Academic and social difficulties are the prime cause of this.


In order to make a transition successfully, students must not only be able to fit in academically but also socially. Firstly, students must know their academic level. Having said that, they should know the academic areas where they need to focus more than others. This corresponds to the weaker areas. For instance, some science students must not be so good at calculus. Now because calculus would form the base of studying changes in quantities, students who are weak at it must give it an extra push. Similarly, those who do not have good writing skills can take help from the top essay writing service. This will help in fitting in academically. As far as social adjustment is concerned, students can easily make many friends by joining student clubs and societies. This allows them to meet many people with similar interests and passions.


Nevertheless, transitioning is not as difficult as it sounds. However, students often lose hope after failing to do so for once.

The Wall

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Added Feb 16 '17, 10:04AM


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